We can be Super Heroes

And then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside and you know you can survive. So when you feel like hope is gone, look inside and you be strong, and you’ll finally see the truth, That a hero lies in you!” – Mariah Carey
Superhero stance from Greys Anatomy
Superhero stance from Greys Anatomy

Recently I have been watching a lot of Greys Anatomy. Yeah, I can already see that smirk on your face in my mind’s eye, but…… I think a lot a life’s lessons can be drawn from 45 minutes entertainment, if you really look for it!

In this particular episode that I saw, Amelia (the protagonist of the episode) stands in the scrub room prior to an almost impossible surgery. She stands, with her feet apart, hands on her hips, head tilted slightly in the air, staring off into space. Her resident walks in, and wonders what she is up to. Amelia explains that studies prove that if one stands like a super hero for even five minutes before a particularly difficult task, confidence levels increase and the result or outcome one gets is always better. The resident is inspired and tries it too.
So, I tried it, this morning, before I set off for a particularly difficult client call. I don’t know if I did it right, I don’t know if I even lasted for those five minutes, though it seemed like an age to me! But, what I do know is that I felt more confident, more prepared, more amazing at the end of those minutes. And yes, my meeting did go well. Its pretty amazing when you think about it. Imagine if this was the norm, all over the world. People would be standing like superheroes every side one turned. And what if it worked, with a 100% guarantee? The world would be a different place.
During those five minutes my mind calmed down, my heart beat slowed, and I felt like I was standing on top of a mountain, staring out at the universe. I felt transformed, renewed, recharged. My bodily stance completely tricked my mind into believing that I could do it, that it would be easy and that I held all the power. I was a hero for those moments in time. I was the one in control, I had all the answers!
So, what if all doctors did this before they began their day…would more lives be saved? If teachers did this…would the quality of education improve? I don’t know…but for me, standing like a super hero was a magical feeling. And, I know I am going to do it again 🙂
So, yeah! Standing like wonder woman before you begin a task that you know is going to challenge you is something I would advocate.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Dia says:

    Hear hear


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